Wednesday 26 August 2015

Open Afternoon Friday 28th August

After a busy week we are nearly set up and running in the new Gateway Learning Base at Royal Manor Campus. We have been unpacking some amazing furniture into the new base and have already had many visits from staff who have shared our enthusiasm for the space.

"This is amazing", "How cool" and "I can't believe it's the same space" have been amongst the cries heard in our new base.


The excitement is too much and we can't wait until next week to open up our amazing space. We are opening the doors to parents and pupils for a few hours on Friday afternoon for those of you who want to have a sneak peak at the space we will be working in next year.

Doors will be open from 1-3pm. We look forward to seeing some of you there.

A gentle reminder that the Gateway Learning Base is a shoeless environment. Due to the way pupils use the furniture and space you will be requested to remove your shoes (always best to give a heads up to prevent holey sock embarrassment!)