Wednesday 25 May 2016

Maths Investigation

Today Miss Mills' registration group ventured outdoors for a maths investigation. Our task involved building numerals with a set of twigs. We had to make sure the number of angles was equal to the number we were making (e.g. 3 angles in the number 3). It was a little tricky but we did a great job! 

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Year 8 STEM in Gateway Base

This afternoon Year 8 visited the gateway base to continue work on their STEM project. We have been discussing and evaluating a range of communication devices.

Today we looked at both Morse code and semaphore. 

Working independently, we had to build mini circuits to carry messages. 

Following this, we went outside to test out communicating by semaphore. 

Our final task was to evaluate the communication methods we trialled. Next week we will start designing our own communication devices, we look forward to sharing our designs with you. 

Year 5 Southwell creating crests for our new schools

If we could choose our own school crests like the crest on the front of Maritime House, this is what we would do.

More Super Spellodrome Success, Year 5, Southwell

Friday 13 May 2016

Celebrations in Gateway.

Phew what a week, we cannot begin to describe how amazingly proud we are of all the learners in Gateway Base this week. 

Each and every one of them showed fantastic maturity and a lot of resilience. 

It was time to let our hair down and really celebrate today. We relaxed and had some well earned fun. 

Thanks also for the wonderful cake made by a parent. Think the message sums it up really. 

We couldn't ask to spend our days with a better bunch. Enjoy your weekend everyone. 

Year5 Southwell campus writing our news report scripts

Investigating numbers with two decimal places in Year5 at Southwell Campus

Thursday 12 May 2016

Football Festival

Well done to the footballers who took part in the recent footie festival at St George's. 

Yayyyyy!! SATs are over for 2016!

So, so proud of these wonderful people!
Four gruelling days of papers have finally come to an end - now let's have some fun!!

Monday 9 May 2016

Good Luck to Year 6 taking their SATs this week!

Just a quick message to all those wonderful bunch in Year 6 (many of you were my first class at Southwell and taught you for two years).

I would like to wish every single one of you the very best of luck with your SATs all the way from Japan! 

You are all truly awesome in SO many ways as long as you try your best you can be very proud of yourselves. I know I certainly am! 

Lots of love from Miss Dyer

Friday 6 May 2016

Year 6 SATs week information letter

A copy of the letter sent home from Gateway Base today, with all the information about next week's SATs and a timetable of events.

Re: Year 6 SATs Tests - Week Beginning Monday 9 th May

Dear Parents/Carers,
The SATS are nearly here, and all of the Gateway Base team are delighted with the hard work that our Learners have put in preparing for them. Thank you for all the support you are providing at home to help ensure your child is best prepared for the tests.

A timetable for next week is attached to this letter. Please share this with your child, but do not let them panic.  There will be plenty of revision opportunities in between the papers. All tests will take place in the Gateway Base and surrounding rooms. We have reassured the children that they will be run in exactly the same way as the practise tests they have been doing, please sent your child into school with a water bottle.  We will not be sending homework home this week, please encourage your child to spend some time using their revision books over the weekend, but also ensure they are outside getting plenty of fresh air and sunshine. Saturday School will be running this week for those wishing to attend from 9:00 - 11:30 on Saturday at Victoria Building.

Please ensure that you child attends school every day next week. Tests are timetabled nationally and if a child misses a test, this cannot be retaken at a different time. If your child is unwell, please call the school as soon as possible so we can see if alternative arrangements are possible.

As you are aware, due to the changes to the new writing assessment framework, children no longer sit a writing test during the SATs week. Instead they are completing several pieces of writing across Literacy and Topic to collate a variety of evidence. We have included a copy of your child’s most recent piece of writing - a diary entry from Romeo and Juliet.  This is one of many pieces of independent writing they have completed and we are seeing amazing progress in all the children.

I hope you enjoy reading their work. They will continue to work towards the writing assessment until June 30th.  Any questions please come and see any member of the Gateway Learning Base Team.

Kind Regards,
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Miss Heppell   Miss Mills Mr Thorne

Having fun in Stay and Learn, West Base 2